Thursday, January 14, 2016

Protecting Hospice

For the past several years, Cliff Davis has worked to provide high-quality living facilities for the elderly. As part of his involvement, he has come to realize the importance of hospice care. With recent budget cuts to hospice programs, the need for support is now crucial. Hospice programs are experiencing an increasing need for both financial support and volunteers. Here are just a few of the primary reasons we need to support and protect hospice care programs.

The Numbers
The estimated number of people living with at least one chronic illness by the year 2020 is 157 million. Currently, 7 out of 10 americans die from a chronic disease. The cost of caring for these individuals is exceedingly high. Hospital bills can be overwhelming for a family. Hospice relieves some of the financial burden.

Comprehensive Care
Hospice care provides a comprehensive plan for the patient. A team of healthcare professionals work together to create the most comfortable circumstance for the patient. There is heavy focus on comfort and pain relief. Hospice workers include the family and address their emotional anxieties as well.

The Patient
The most important part of hospice is that it allows the patient to be in a calm, quiet, and familiar environment. The patient’s wishes are top priority. In our final days, we all deserve this level of care and respect.

Cliff and his family encourage you to support hospice programs in any way possible. The recent budget cuts to these programs have been devastating. To learn more about how you can help, visit the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

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