Tuesday, May 31, 2016

International Adoption - Understand the Risk of TB

Cliff Davis is an advocate for child welfare and adoption services. Because of his lengthy involvement with these services, he understands some of the challenges faced by adoptive parents. Domestic and international adoption each has unique advantages and disadvantages.
One of the concerns for parents adopting internationally is the health of a child coming from an underdeveloped country. Many diseases that are rarely found in the US are still prevalent in other parts of the world. Tuberculosis is one of the illnesses that is frequently seen in international adoptees. “At risk” children include those coming from institutional care. Upon arrival,1 in 5 children with high-risk backgrounds test positive on the Tuberculosis skin test.

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection. It typically impacts the lungs but can affect other parts of the body. These symptoms often take time to appear. People who test positive for the infection but do not display any signs or symptoms are said to have latent Tuberculosis (LTB). It is important to note that these individuals are not contagious. However, it is crucial to treat LTB so that the person does not develop active Tuberculosis.

LTB is treated with a medication called isoniazid. Internationally adopted children who test positive will be given this medication. It is taken once per day for nine months. When taken as directed, this medication completely eradicates the disease.

Typically, internationally adopted children will be tested upon arrival and again in six months. This is because it can take several months after exposure before a child tests positive. If the child tests negative both times, they are in the clear and will need no further testing or intervention. If a child tests positive, they are treated and as long as they show no symptoms, will need no further treatment or testing.

It is helpful to speak with your pediatrician to understand all the health issues you may be facing as the parent of an international adoptee. While it may seem complicated, there are numerous resources available to assist adoptive parents. Regulations are in place to help ensure healthy children are adopted into loving homes.   

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Traversing Tough Mudder’s Most Challenging Obstacles

Tampa, FL, developer Cliff Davis has spearheaded numerous construction projects, including assisted living facilities and shopping centers. In addition to his Tampa, FL, building activities, Cliff Davis is passionate about fitness and regularly competes in triathlons and endurance events such as the 10-12 mile Tough Mudder race.

Considered one of the world’s most challenging obstacle races, the Tough Mudder incorporates more than two dozen military-style obstacles within extremely muddy terrain. These include the Twinkle Toes, a slippery log bridge that is often strategically placed after an obstacle designed to deplete energy and traverses cold water The key to this obstacle is maintaining steadiness and balance, with yoga-style diaphragm breathing recommended.

One of the unique aspects of the Tough Mudder is that it requires teamwork and the 12-foot wooden Berlin Walls are nearly impossible to scale without a boost from a teammate. The key to getting through this obstacle its to push a couple of teammates to the top, who can then pull the rest up. Other classic obstacles in the Tough Mudder include the Electric Eel and the Boa Constrictor.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Affordable House Staging Tips

Staging a home is a crucial part of selling a house. Potential buyers will examine every little detail of the home. It is your job to make the home appear as pleasant as possible, without being deceptive or hiding serious flaws. Here are a few affordable ways to improve the overall appearance and value of your home.

There are a number of things you can do to spruce up a bathroom. First, it needs to be spotless. A dirty, grimy bathroom is a big red flag and could cost you a sale. Scrub the walls and shower door. It is not usually necessary to replace a shower door if you can give it a thorough scrub. The tile int he bathroom is also very important. If it is outdated, consider painting it to give it a more modern appearance. This is more affordable than replacing the tile. Replace old vanity style sinks with pedestal sinks. This opens the space and displays the square footage of the bathroom.

The master bedroom
This room should appeal to both men and women. Do not decorate in a way that is too gender specific. Paint the walls a neutral color and choose bedding that is appropriately matched.  

Consider staining kitchen cabinets rather than replacing them. Stainless steel appliances are very popular, so if replacing appliances it might be a good investment to choose stainless steel. New kitchen appliances typically bring high returns. Avoid making fresh hardware holes when possible. Place hardware in holes that already exist.

Refinish wood rather than replacing
If you have old hardwood floors, sand and refinish them rather than replacing them. It is much more affordable to refinish than replace. This is also true of outdoor decks. A nice deck can be a great asset to a home if it is in good condition. However, an old deck can be an eyesore. Refinish your deck to give it a fresh look.

If you are serious about selling a home, you should make staging a priority. This includes the interior and exterior of the home. Curb appeal is just as significant as the interior of the home.  

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Do You Really Need to Stretch Before Exercising?

For years, we have heard that it is important to stretch before exercising. Now, research suggests that stretching is unlikely to prevent injury or improve performance. However, there are benefits to stretching, whether it be before or after exercise.

Flexibility is the primary benefit to regular stretching. Obviously, flexibility is more important in certain activities than others. For example, a dancer needs more mobility than a jogger. So, depending on the activities you wish to pursue, you may or may not need to implement a stretching routine. If you often feel stiff or unable to move fluidly while participating in specific activities, then stretching could undoubtedly help.

Types of stretching
  • Static - Static stretching occurs when a muscle is extended to the point of mild discomfort and the position is held for approximately 30 seconds.
  • PMF- (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) - This type of stretching involves contracting and releasing a muscle while in a stretching position.
  • Dynamic - Dynamic stretching is gentle repetitive movements. For exapmle, arm swings. In this situation, a person gradually increases the range of motion.
  • Ballistic or bouncing - This type of stretching involves getting into a stretch position and then bouncing to increase range of motion.

Static stretching is the most common form, and most researchers have placed their focus on this type of stretching. While there are clear benefits to performing stretches, primarily increased mobility, it is not likely to prevent injury or improve your overall performance. Unless of course performance relies heavily on flexibility. Many people stretch before exercise out of habit, and that is great. It certainly won’t hurt to loosen your muscles and prepare for exercise.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Health Benefits of Drinking Wheatgrass Juice

Drinking a shot of fresh wheatgrass juice has become a popular daily practice for many health enthusiasts. It may not be the best-tasting juice available, but the health benefits make it worth consuming. Here, we will look at some of the primary health benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice.

Wheatgrass is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll. The juice contains up to 70% chlorophyll . Chlorophyll is an important blood builder and contains anti-aging enzymes. As the first product of light, it contains more light energy than other foods. The chlorophyll contained in wheatgrass is crude instead of pure. This means it can be taken orally without side effects. Chlorophyll slows the growth of unwanted bacteria. It can be used internally and externally to help the body heal naturally. Liquid chlorophyll is capable of soaking into tissue and repairing it. The liquid form can also clean drug deposits from the body.  Additionally, it can help stabilize blood sugar imbalances.

Along with being packed full of nutrients, wheatgrass has high levels of oxygen. Oxygen is important because the brain and body tissues function at their best when they have a highly oxygenated environment.

Wheatgrass is a naturally complete food. It sustains growth and development. Many vegetarians and herbivores are able to live healthy because of  wheatgrass. It has an enormous amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes needed for optimal health. In fact, it contains every mineral known to mankind.

These are just a few of the primary health benefits of drinking wheatgrass. Much research has been done to further prove the health benefits of this food.  If you are interested, just give it a try. You might even like it!

Walt Disney's Role as a Real Estate Developer

 Most people know Walt Disney as a creative visionary, but have you ever considered his role as a real estate developer? He built the first Disney theme park with zero real estate development experience. How did he manage this? 

First, he came up with the idea of a Disney theme park because he did not like the amusement parks available. He would take his own daughters to these parks and found them to be dirty and distasteful for families. He recognized a need in the market and wanted to fill that gap for children and families. 

His idea was originally rejected by Disney executives, his own brother, and banks. He could not secure financial backing to support his fantastical idea. So, he put some money to gather himself and hired a team to begin working on the project. He started with a team of creative types who could turn his vision into reality. 

Then, he sought the assistance of researchers to determine If the park would be profitable and where the best location would be for the park. The numbers determined that the park would, in fact, have significant profit potential. So, he pushed forward and had the Stanford group examine numerous factors such as demographic statistics, urban growth trends, population concentrations, traffic patterns, freeway construction, availability of experienced commercial contractors, weather conditions - They found a best-suited location in Anaheim, a rapidly growing town just southeast of Los Angeles. Disney eventually purchased a 160-acre orange grove alongside the new Santa Ana freeway. This put the park only 27 minutes from downtown LA. 

With the location and financing in place, he began construction. Joe Fowler would oversee all commercial contractors and construction. The park became the cornerstone of Disney’s fortune.

The moral of the story is that with ambition and vision, a person can accomplish virtually anything. It’s often a matter of hiring people who can gather the necessary knowledge or provide the service you need to help you reach your goal. You do not need to be an expert in everything because someone else is always available to hire in the areas you fall short. Walt Dinsey is proof of this theory. 

Saturday, May 14, 2016

4 Minerals Needed for Optimal Health

Minerals are a crucial part of optimal health. Each serves an important purpose, even trace minerals play a significant role. While the human body uses minerals for hundreds of different processes, the primary function is to assist in metabolism, water balance, and bone health. Here, we will look at four minerals and the significant role they play.

--Boron: Primarily known for improving bone health, brain function, anti-aging practices. It has also been used to treat alzheimer’s disease, and it can decrease muscle pain.
--Calcium: One of the most well-known minerals, it also boosts bone health and prevents osteoporosis. Additionally, it relieves arthritis, improves dental health, and relieves insomnia. It is sometimes used to prevent or treat obesity, colon cancer, acidity, heart disease, and high blood pressure.
--Manganese: This mineral is vital for managing metabolism, osteoporosis, decreasing fatigue, reproduction, sprains, inflammation, brain function, and epilepsy.
--Copper: This is another well-known mineral that can improve brain function. It also soothes arthritis, assists in skin care, reduces throat infections, balances hemoglobin deficiency, prevents heart diseases, and increases immunity. It is often discussed in conjunction with the uptake of iron and the facilitation of proper circulation.

These are just four of the many minerals needed for good health. There are a number of ways to include minerals in your regular diet. Of course, you can always take a supplement if you feel you are not getting sufficient minerals in your diet. It is also important to understand your body’s needs and take care not to over consume minerals. As with most things in life, balance is the key.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The Importance of Wills and Estate Planning

There is no doubt that writing a will is strenuous on many levels, but it is an important job that one must undergo for the sake of the loved ones left behind. On the bright side, once the job of planning your estate and writing a will is over, most individuals find relaxation of mind and peace knowing they have control over their possessions and properties instead of letting law dictate the outcome of these assets.
Wills and estate planning are easy enough when the right legal assistance and advice is sought out, and yet most people select not to do it. This is an error you don’t want to make, as it can result in discord and divisiveness among loved ones. Without a will, family members are more often than not, left wondering and confused. Along with the enormity of the loss of a dear one, many questions are left unsolved, rendering your family in pain, bewildered and dazed.
But all the unresolved problems and subsequent issues can be stopped. By drafting a will, you let your family members know your wishes, leaving no room for interpretation and confusion. It lets them know that you really care for them because you have settled everything before hand.
The single most significant reason to plan your estate and create a will now, instead of sweeping it under the carpet and delaying it, is easy: to stop infighting within your family as you bid your final goodbye. By clearly offering instructions about what you want, your friends and family can come together in harmony and love, all for the fulfillment of your last wishes.
Writing a will sends an obvious message that you are looking after your dear ones and the many generations after you. You can give clear instructions as to what will occur regarding your estate, and to whom you will leave it.
By writing a will, you can perfectly dispose of all your assets, all while decreasing the tax incidents. You get a clear image of just how much you are leaving behind and what you plan to do about it. It is time to put some focused thought into the possessions you are leaving behind for the sake of your dear ones and your own wishes.

10 Essential Items to Include in Your Family Preparedness Emergency Kit

One of the key elements in preparing for a disaster or emergency is to have an emergency kit in your home. This kit is a crucial part of family preparedness. It is not difficult to create. It simply takes some time and thought. When putting your kit together, there are 10 essential items that should be included.
  1. Food - You need enough non-perishable food items to feed your entire family for at least three days.
  2. Water - The recommendation is that you have 3 gallons of water for each person and pet in your family. This will give everyone sufficient water for three days.
  3. Medication - Any prescription medication that you or a family member requires should be included in your kit. A one week supply of these medications is generally acceptable. Over-the-counter medications that your family commonly uses should also be included.
  4. Basic supplies - This includes things like candles, matches or a lighter, flashlight, scissors, batteries, and other small basic items that your family may need.
  5. First aid - Your first aid items should include sterile bandages and gauze, antiseptic, band-aids, antibiotic ointment, and burn ointment. Latex gloves and adhesive medical tape are also useful.
  6. Clothing - Each member of your family needs one outfit. They also need durable shoes, long underwear, and rain protection.
  7. Personal hygiene - Include personal hygiene products for your family. This includes toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, and any toiletries that your family commonly needs.
  8. Cleaning - Important cleaning items to include are trash bags, disinfectant, and soap.
  9. Documents - There are many vital documents you need to keep in your emergency kit. The primary documents are social security cards, birth certificates, medical records, bank records, a list of emergency phone numbers, and any photo IDs like passports and drivers license.
  10. Cash - Keep a moderate amount of cash in your emergency kit.
There are a number of other miscellaneous items that you will need for an emergency situation. These 10 items are the essentials for your basic emergency kit. It is not expensive or time-consuming to put these things together. Protect your family and begin your family preparedness planning today.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Windermere ALF is on Scheduled in Orlando, FL

This facility is due for completion July 15th and we are right on schedule.  Here are the newest photos.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

4 Common Challenges New Entrepreneurs Face

Becoming an entrepreneur has inherent risks. New entrepreneurs are sometimes taken by surprise when facing obstacles they did not anticipate. If you are considering entrepreneurship, take a look at some of the common challenges new entrepreneurs must overcome.

Selecting the right business
It all begins with simply choosing a business that is right for you and has profit potential. There are so many business opportunities, it can be overwhelming. Pick a business that serves people and fulfills a need.Your business must be able to provide solutions in order to succeed.

Locating customers
“Build it and they will come” does not hold true in today’s market. Finding customers can be a real obstacle for new entrepreneurs. It is important to understand who your business serves. You must know your customers in order to reach them.

When to leave your 9 to 5 job
Many potential entrepreneurs want to immediately quit their steady job to work on their new business. However, unless you have sufficient savings or a supplemental income, this could be a devastating move. Make sure you are ready before you give up your steady paycheck. Many startups begin as side projects and the owner waits until the business is bringing in at least a minimal income to cover basic life necessities.

Financial instability
Understand that owning a business means you will be paid irregularly. Some entrepreneurs struggle with this fact. It can be difficult to manage your finances when income is sporadic. You might $5 to your name one day and $5,000 the next. Then, it may be another three months before you are paid again. Learning to budget and manage money is crucial in becoming a successful entrepreneur.

These are only a few of the issues you might face as a beginning entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is an extremely rewarding path, but it comes with many struggles. Be prepared to take on the challenges and you are more likely to experience immense success.

3 Myths About Adopting Foster Care Children

Increased regulations on international adoption have caused many potential adoptive parents to look toward adopting an American foster child instead. It is often less time-consuming and far less expensive to adopt a foster child than traditional domestic adoption or international adoption. There are a number of misconceptions about procedures regarding adopting foster children. Here, we will look at some of the most common myths around this issue.
Myth #1 - Adoptive parents must be affluent
In reality, adoptive parents do not need to be wealthy, own a house, or have a stay-at-home parent in the home. Adopting foster children is often free and any costs associated with the adoption are typically reimbursed. From a financial standpoint, adoptive parents must simply be able to provide for the child.
Myth #2 - Most foster care children have special needs
The truth is, many children in foster care are average kids who simply had unfortunate circumstances which required them to be removed from unfit homes. The term “special needs” generally refers to children with physical or mental disabilities. However, in the foster care system, this term means something very different. It includes older children, ethnic minority groups, and sibling groups needing to be adopted together.
Myth #3 - You must be married
A potential adoptive parent’s marital status, age, and sexual orientation do not disqualify them from adopting foster care children. You do not need to be of childbearing age or already have children in the home. These characteristics are much less important to the foster care administrators. They are focused on putting children in safe, loving homes.
If you are considering adoption, do not discount foster care as an option. There are thousands of children in need of homes. Contact your local child welfare department for more information.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Tips for Golfing in the Rain

Tampa resident, Cliff Davis has played many of Florida’s golf courses. The climate in this region often brings heavy rain. The showers may be short, but they seem to come out of nowhere and it occurs nearly every day. Because of this, Cliff understands the importance of being prepared for unusual whether on the golf course. Below are some tips for golfing in the rain.

  • Dry grips - Thoroughly clean the grip and shaft following each shot to keep the grips dry and prevent hands from slipping throughout a golf swing.
  • Umbrella - This is a necessity! An umbrella will assist in shielding you from the rain and wind.
  • Towels - Carry additional towels and gloves you can place them inside your umbrella to keep them dry so they are usable during your round.
  • Dress in a hat - Put on a cap to help you remain comfortable and to keep rainfall away from your face.
  • Appropriate equipment - You need to purchase suitable items, along with a waterproof jacket and trousers, shoes and water resistant gloves. This equipment ought to be regarded as a normal part of the gear. It is essential for playing optimally in bad weather and remaining comfortable.
  • Rain hood - Make use of the rain hood on the golf bag to enable clubs stay dry. Additionally, there are several rain hoods for-sale which offer rain safeguards for the whole golf bag.
  • Understand how rain impacts the golf ball - When the ball and grass are damp, the grooves of the golf irons will fill up with water. Once the grooves are affected from the water, you will not generate the maximum amount of backspin on your ball. This leads to semi-flyer shots. Nevertheless, you will not acquire more distance than normal since the varying weather conditions will counteract the spinless journey of the golf ball.
  • Firm grip - - When the ground gets soaked with water you may sink. In order to prevent hammering fat shots, simply grip down on the club. The amount of firmness in your grip should be identical to the amount you permeate the soil. Generally ¼ to ½ inches is an ideal total to boost stable contact.
  • Putting while it is raining - When putting in the rain the dimples will fill with water and you won't be capable of making clean contact with the golf ball. Consequently, the ball will slip upon impact as well as on the first roll. To encourage a better roll while it's raining, keep your ball dry as long as is feasible. Attempt lining your putt up with your marker rather than the ball. Place the ball down only if you are prepared to stroke the putt.
  • Moist sand - When striking the golf ball from wet sand the ball generally is released quicker and it travels a greater distance than from dry sand. In order to prevent hitting above the green, swing gently with higher stability.

You just never know when a rainstorm might come rolling onto the course. It is a good idea to always be prepared. Use the tips above to assist you in preparing for whatever weather comes your way.