Saturday, June 11, 2016

5 Excellent Non-Meat Sources of Protein

Protein is crucial for the human body. While meat, eggs, and dairy are known to be rich in protein, they are also high in cholesterol and saturated fats. Luckily, there are many other great sources of protein. Here are some of the best protein-rich foods that are not animal products.
Green peas - These make a marvelous side dish or can be a nice addition to a salad.

Tofu - This soy-based product is virtually tasteless. It can be added to nearly any dish. Soft tofu works well in dishes such as mashed potatoes or lasagna. Firm tofu is am ideal meat replacement for tacos, burgers, and other entrées. Seasoning is the key with this food.

Nuts - A perfect snack or supplement to trail mix and salads. Nuts are a versatile food and are easily integrated into meals and snacks. Many people sprinkle a few nuts on their morning cereal. This is an easy way to boost your protein intake.

Beans - Another versatile food that easily stands alone as a side dish or can be added into other dishes.

Edamame - Some people are confused about this food and unsure how to go about preparing and eating it. Generally, the outer shell is not eaten. One way to make a superb snack is to sprinkle a little salt on it and suck the beans out of the casing.

Just because meat and dairy products are highest in protein does not mean they are your only options. The above listed are just a few of the many protein-rich foods available. This is great for vegans and vegetarians or for those who simply want to decrease their consumption of animal products. Consider integrating these foods into your regular diet to sustain increase your protein intake.   

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