Thursday, March 29, 2018

Using Social Influencers in Your Marketing Strategies State

Seeking some great marketing tips for small business? We have one for you! Social influencers play an essential role in successful social marketing. The main criteria to determine if a person is, in fact, an influencer, are as follows: They must have over 10,000 followers on a minimum of one social platform, and for each piece of content published, they generate at least 1,000 engagements from other users. These interactions include likes, comments, reposts, shares, etc. They acquired the name, "influencers" for the precise reason that they have a significant following, and people tend to listen to their opinions. Social influencers can have a significant impact on your CRM.
Why should I use social influencers?
Word-of-mouth has always been an effective method of marketing. With the cost of acquiring new customers on the rise, it makes sense to use the modern version of "word-of-mouth." People are frequently use social media platforms and follow well-known individuals. The audience has already been established, and is ready to listen to the influencer. It is a highly valuable strategy, with some companies reporting 5 to 10 times returns on their investments in this type of marketing.
Finding the right influencer
Selecting a "social celebrity" is a challenging task. The vetting process is crucial. You need to negotiate terms, manage the content they create, track the results, and tie it all into your marketing goals. This endeavor should not be taken lightly. The rates for hiring a social influencer very widely, depending on the industry and the individual.
Implementing a social influencer as part of your overall marketing strategy is certainly worth consideration. For many businesses, it is one of the most efficient and effective ways to use their marketing budget. Marketers understand the importance of CRM, and social influencers simply offer another method of reaching and communicating with customers. Do your due diligence to determine if this strategy is right for you.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

6 Tips to Overcome Procrastination

Are you having trouble with focusing on the tasks at hand? Maybe you got occupied chatting with a coworker that popped into your office a few minutes ago. Or maybe you've found yourself catching up on industry news by looking through a stack of trade magazines. Regardless of the cause, we all struggle with procrastination in one form or another. So how can you overcome procrastination? Below are six helpful tips to follow:

1. Thinking "have to" vs "choose to":
You may be procrastinating because you feel that you are being forced to perform a task that you don't want to do. For example, you may tell yourself that your spouse is trying to manipulate you into washing the dishes or doing the laundry. Because you don't like being manipulated, you procrastinate by:

-Playing video games
-Watching TV
-Walking the dog

Instead of telling yourself you have to wash the dishes, tell yourself that you choose to wash the dishes to make your spouse happy.

2. Don't blow tasks out of proportion:
Stop telling yourself that the future of your business, your career, and even your success all depend on the outcome of this one action you have to take.

3. Reward yourself:
For example, tell yourself that if you sit at your desk and work on your taxes for an hour without interruptions, you'll reward yourself with that delicious slice of cake in the fridge. Giving yourself the incentive to complete a task makes it a lot easier.

4. Three questions to ask yourself:
Before you start working on any given task, ask yourself these three questions.

-Am I the best person to perform this task?
-Is this the best use of my time at the moment?
-Am I using this task as an excuse to avoid working on something that's more important?

5. Get rid of overstaying visitors:
Struggling with dilly-dallying visitors? Follow these three steps to get rid of them politely.

-As you're talking, suddenly interrupt yourself. It's okay to put your task first!
-Take control of the conversation.
-Look at your watch and say "Oh no! It's already 3:30 PM!"

6. Keep asking yourself what needs to be done next:
You don't have to wait for the perfect, detailed plan of how you're going to achieve your goal before acting on it. Center yourself in the moment and ask:

-"What can I do right now to move forward?"
-"What's right in front of me?"

Practicing these six tips can help you become a more productive person!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Differences between Vegan and Vegetarian

For some, a vegan diet and a vegetarian diet are difficult to differentiate. Neither diet includes beef, but what about brownies, pizza, and yogurt? So what's the difference? In short, Vegetarians don't eat animals but eat many products which come from them, such as eggs and milk. Vegans, on the other hand, avoid poultry, meat, seafood, and all animal products. A vegan diet eliminates foods produced using animals or animal products in any way. Many vegans also avoid clothing, household products, or other items tested on animals or made from animal products.

What are the different types of vegans and vegetarians?:
-Ovo vegetarian: Eats eggs but not dairy products.

-Nutritional vegetarian: Doesn't eat meat for health reasons.

-Lacto Ovo vegetarian: Eats both dairy products and eggs. However, many Lacto-Ovo vegetarians will only eat free-range eggs because of welfare objections to the intensive farming of hens.

-Ethical vegetarians: Doesn't eat meat in deference to animals or the environment.

-Lacto vegetarian: Eats dairy products but not eggs.

-Vegan: Doesn't eat eggs, dairy products, or any other animal product.

-Raw vegan: Doesn't eat any animal by-products, including anything cooked above 46 degrees Celsius.

Health considerations:
One suggested downside of choosing a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is developing a deficiency in calcium, zinc, protein, and iron. However, both groups can choose specific foods to ensure their nutritional requirements are met. Popular food choices include grains, kale, nuts, and legumes. Vegetarians and vegans can also get additional sources of protein from soy products (tempeh, tofu, edamame, soy milk, and miso), beans, grains (bulgur wheat, quinoa), seeds, and sprouts. Spices such as dill, fennel, poppy, and celery seeds are also excellent sources of calcium. Other calcium supplements include figs, peanuts, sun-dried tomato, soybeans, almonds, peanut butter, and tofu.

What are the health benefits?:
Plant-based diets are well known for being rich in protein, calcium, potassium, iron and other essential vitamins. These vitamins and minerals are typically low in saturated fat and sodium, packed with antioxidants and high in fiber. It is suggested that vegetarian and vegan diets could reduce the likelihoods of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and obesity. Researchers have also found that vegetarians typically have lower blood pressure than non-vegetarians. It is proven that that following a vegan diet reduces the risk of diabetes by 78 percent compared to individuals that eat meat on a daily basis.

Would you try a vegan or vegetarian diet?

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Benefits of Biofeedback Therapy for Seniors

Biofeedback therapy is performed using muscle relaxation, mental exercises, and breathing. But how does this mind-body therapy work? Neuro-feedback therapy helps reduce a wide range of symptoms by lowering sympathetic arousal, which is done through changing and identifying certain mental activities and physical reactions. This acts as a natural headache remedy and a natural painkiller. 

Who benefits from Biofeedback Therapy? 
Conditions that are commonly treated with neuro-feedback therapies now include: 

-High blood pressure 
-Anxiety and depression 
-Eating disorders 
-TMJ symptoms (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) 
-Trouble sleeping or insomnia 
-Autism spectrum disorders 
-Cancer recovery 
-Muscle tension or spasms 
-Heart disease 
-Urinary incontinence 
-Digestive symptoms including IBS, diarrhea, and constipation
-Migraine headaches 
-Muscle tension 
-And almost any other condition worsened by stress 

What relaxation techniques would benefit your loved one?: 

-Tensing every muscle in the body, one by one, then relaxing them. 
This technique can help take your mind off of images and anxiety-provoking thoughts.
The appeal of a higher power calms and relaxes some people. 
A massage therapist will knead your body into a state of relaxation, which reduces stress, anxiety, and pain. Your loved one can try different techniques to see which are most effective. 
The goal of hypnosis is to achieve a state of relaxed concentration. During this state, the mind is more receptive to suggestions which block the awareness of pain. Hypnosis can even change the sensation of pain into something positive. The hypnosis should be performed by a trained psychologist or psychiatrist. 
-Focusing on an image, concept, or word 
This technique can be used to take the mind off of anxiety or pain and focuses on something more calming such as the image of a child smiling, ocean sounds, or the thought of "I will get better".
-Biofeedback and relaxation 
Neuro-feedback involves electrical equipment used to help a person to learn how to control muscle tension, blood pressure, and heart rate. This method is commonly used in conjunction with other relaxation techniques. 
-Slow, rhythmic breathing 
This refocusing helps change thoughts of pain and anxiety into peaceful and positive images. 

The origin of biofeedback goes back to the 1970's. Neuro-feedback machines have come a long way since then, but for at least four decades, biofeedback care has focused on muscle tension, temperature, brainwaves, sleep and the cardiovascular system. Will you talk to your loved one about biofeedback therapy? 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Benefits of using Solar Energy for Your Home

Solar panels are an excellent way to offset energy costs. And they're good for the environment! By using solar panels, you reduce the environmental impact of your home, among many other benefits. But how do solar panels work?

-When photons hit the solar panels, a direct current electrical field is created.
-The alternating current is used through your home's switchboard to supply electricity.
-While sunny days will produce more solar energy, solar panels can continue to draw energy even on cloudy days.
-Excess energy produces by the solar panels can be exported to the electrical grid. Or, you can store it in the system's batteries for future use.
-If there isn't enough solar energy produced by the home, electricity is imported from the electrical grid. You can also use the system's batteries to power your home.
-Direct Current will be converted to alternating current so that the power produced can be used by home systems and appliances.

Looking to install panels in your home? Here are some of the top benefits of using solar energy.

-Saving thousands of dollars
Adding solar panels to your home can bring in savings of well over $100 a month in many states. If you extend this to two decades, it translates to over $30,000!

-Guaranteed performance
Most solar panel manufacturers offer a 20 or 25-year warranty, also known as a performance guarantee. The industry standard typically guarantees 80% performance after 25 years. However, the real lifespan of solar panels is much longer. Your solar panels can still generate a good amount of electricity 30 to 40 years down the road.

-Reduce environmental impact
On average, each American household generates 7.4 tons of carbon dioxide each year through electrical use. Carbon dioxide is known to cause global warming, which wreaks havoc on our planet. Global warming causes animals to become endangered, our shorelines to erode, and glaciers to melt. Using solar panels in your home can conserve more than 16,000 gallons of water per year, and reduces our reliance on nonrenewable energy sources.

-Increase your home's value
Studies have shown that by adding a solar system to your home, value increases by an average of $5.50 per watt. Depending on your location, the value can increase by $6.40/watt.

*Homes with solar systems sell 15% faster than homes without solar.
*Studies have also shown that a 3.1kW system can add $17,000 to your home's value.

In conclusion, solar panels are a great method of producing cost-efficient and environmentally friendly energy.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Health Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are an instant energy booster, and commonly available all over the world. It is a common feature in breakfast foods, and definitely for good reason. The fruit provides you instant energy to start your day, and it is said to be very good for your stomach. A single piece of banana is said to have 90 calories, which makes it a great and healthy food to snack on instead of deep fried goodies and sugar-loaded treats.

Heart Health
-High fiber foods such as bananas are said to be good for the heart. Increasing consumption of bananas, for example, can lower the risk of both coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Blood Pressure
-It's a known fact that salt is bad for your health when it comes to blood pressure. However, bananas have low sodium content and high potassium content. These properties make it ideal for those undergoing this condition.

Helps with Fighting Anemia
-Because of the high iron content in bananas, they are good for individuals suffering from anemia. Anaemia is a condition in which there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. This leads to shortness of breath, paleness, or fatigue.

Nutrient Powerhouse
-Bananas are loaded with essential minerals and vitamins such as manganese, iron, niacin, calcium, potassium, folate, magnesium, B6, and riboflavin. These all contribute to the proper function of the body and keeping you healthy.

Cooking with Bananas
There are a number of great ways you can add bananas to your diet. However, some of the points to remember while buying them are:
-Look for fruits without any squishy spots or blemishes. '
-Bananas often ripen quickly, which is why the flesh becomes gooey and the peels turn white. The smart thing to do would be to buy in smaller quantities so you can enjoy them fresh.
-Do not store them in the refrigerator.
-If you are purchasing a dozen, make sure you pick slightly firm bananas so they last you at least 4-5 days without spoiling.

Here is a recipe to help you get started:

Banana Walnut Muffin

Recipe Servings: 20
Cook Time: 45 minutes

1/2 cup of butter
1 cup of mashed bananas
1 tablespoon of vanilla essence
2 cups of flour
3 eggs
1/4 tablespoon of salt
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
2 1/2 tablespoons of baking powder
20 muffin cups

1. Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt.
2. Mix in the butter, chopped walnuts, vanilla, mashed banana, and powdered sugar. Beat together.
3. Add the eggs and beat the batter smooth. If the batter is too thick, add milk.
4. Pre-heat the oven for 25-30 minutes. Pour into muffin cups and bake for 45 minutes.

How will you add bananas to your diet?