Despite the name, the Blue-green algae is a type of green bacteria. Also called cyanobacteria, this bacteria grows in both fresh and salt water. However, it tends to grow best in ponds and lakes where they give the water a deep green color. Cyanobacteria, as well as another type called spirulina, contain beneficial nutrients. This can provide great health benefits!
Here are some of the Nutritional benefits:
* It's proteins contain all of the essential amino acids. This makes blue-green algae a complete source of these nutrients.
* A 100-gram serving contains roughly two grams of carbohydrates and almost no fat.
*26 calories in one serving. This makes cyanobacteria a naturally low-calorie food.
*Provides a modest amount of potassium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as a small amount of zinc and phosphorus.
*The algae also contains vitamins E, C, and A along with several of the B vitamins. This includes thiamin, riboflavin, folate and vitamin B-6.
While blue-green algae have great nutritional benefits, that's not all! It also includes the amazing health benefits listed below.
*Boosts your immune system and has natural antiviral properties, helping your system protect against viruses such as HIV.
*Consuming blue-green algae may help relieve fatigue and build your tolerance of exercise. A clinical study found that male subjects that consumed the bacteria for four weeks were able to exercise for longer.
*Blue-green algae may reduce blood pressure and lower blood cholesterol levels. In fact, it has actually improved blood lipids and lower blood pressure in Type 2 diabetes patients in just 12 weeks.
All of these benefits, but how do you go about using blue-green algae? Blue-green algae supplement capsules are a great option. You can often find these at health food stores. Choose only brands that are certified and free of contamination. Blue-green algae can sometimes contain harmful toxins, so steer clear of uncertified products.
Ancient people recognized blue-green algae for its nutritional properties. Native inhabitants of Africa, as well as Aztecs, consumed it regularly as a regular addition to their diet. Though they are not plants, they contain the green pigment called chlorophyll and are able to carry out the process of photosynthesis. Regardless, blue-green algae have been known for its health benefits for a very long time. Why not give it a try?